The Weight Reduction Program

Laghava is the feeling of lightness. As the name suggests, this package is for the heavier sector to re-gain their shape and enthusiasm. It helps to mobilize accumulated fats, while specially designed program that is a scientific blend of Yoga, diet, customized massages and herbal medicines. Eliminate toxins, improve your immunity, soothe your tired nerves and feel better than you have felt in years!

Highlights of Laghava

  • Enhances proper digestion
  • Tones up the skin and hair follicles
  • Improves catabolic activities of the body
  • Helps to remove excess fat accumulated in the body
  • Replenishes the reservoir of mental vitality and health
  • Strengthens all systems of body so as to achieve sound health and longevity


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      Voluptatem vitae corporis ipsam corrupti reprehenderit sit id est consequatur rem rerum et minus non ipsa rem corrupti et beatae dolorem veritatis cumque velit qui est totam quo dolorem dolores possimus quisquam ut dolorem explicabo voluptate autem est mollitia dicta necessitatibus aliquid sint et exercitationem expedita in voluptas quis laudantium id.

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